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Monday, October 28, 2013

10/27/2013: Day 113

Well you haven't heard any news for about a week now, but things have been busy. The work on the stair continues and is approximately 85% complete.  Tim called in the cavalry over the weekend with Russ taking over and completing a majority of the baseboard throughout the house.  This allowed us to do a round of cleaning upstairs and get the bedroom furniture in place.  The office and the foyer remain a construction zone and the living room is also a dirty room but ready to be cleaned. The Dining Room and Family Room have been, sanded, scuffed, sealed and finished.

Dad and Roddie were able to hit HD & Lowe's over the weekend to purchase most of the closet equipment and materials which are now ready for fabrication and install. The last of the vent openings was cut in the siding at the attic level. Roddie closet door hardware has also been installed.  My own work has slowed to a crawl due to re-aggravating an old back problem.  

Last week brought some great news on the camper status.  Shauna's most excellent craig's list ad reeled in a buyer from New Brunswick Canada of all places. We met Ron last week and came to agreement on a price easily.  A deposit was left and the current plan is for the buyer to pick up later this week. This development is a big relief and saves a massive amount of hassle as you might expect.

Current plan is for a Wednesday 10/30/12 Final Inspection with the building department. All fingers are crossed.
Dining Room floor after partial sanding

Norah, Roddie & Dad picking up nails

stair & landing in progress

Somehow these animals got into the house

One of the last story times in the camper

Dining and Family Rooms: floor finished and some furniture in. Note: baseboard installed.

Living Room baseboard installed.

Family room baseboard installed and sofa in place

Upper railing in place.

Lower railing in progress

Stair from upstairs hall.

Roddie's Room: Baseboard installed and bed in place.

Norah's Room: Baseboard installed and bed in place.

Base and stools in the Kid's bath

Base and Bed in Master Bedroom

The office: Still a "dirty room"

Monday, October 21, 2013

10/20/2013: Day 106

Dining room floor sanded. DR & FR floors sealed.

Base compacted and some stones set.

Not enough stone.

Landing set.

Salvaged sod set and landing.

10/19/2013: Day 105 - Sidewalk

Tim is working this Saturday, continuing on the stairs.  Russ also showed up with his floor sanding equipment to get a test section done. The family went to work on the bluestone sidewalk.  We dug it out and placed the stone dust base.

Roddie & Norah pitching in.

10/18/2013 - Day 104 Stairs & Stair Parts

Thursday, October 17, 2013

10/16/2013: Day 102

Each task that gets completed seems to open up a new space or bring a new level of completion to the house. Shauna is now using the master bath in the mornings and also getting the kids tubbed in there.  Shauna packed up some of the kids toys and we were able to get the storage shelf out of the camper.  We're even getting some interest in the camper for resale.  We were also able to get two dressers upstairs from the basement.

Tim finished the dining room floor install yesterday.  The matching looks great, it was the right call to salvage the flooring from the old living room.  We did discover we will have to sand the dining room floor as the thickness of the wood varies a bit when reassembled in a different location.....not surprising. The first floor should be able to be opened up a bit as the unused salvaged flooring can be removed as well as many of Tim's remaining tools and our paint closet can now be removed. The electricians finished most of their work, but have a few issues to resolve with the existing circuits and have to remove the temp power pole before being 100% complete.

The newel posts have arrived and are ready for primer as Tim begins the stair work today.  This is the last critical path item prior to occupancy.  We are ready.  The kids bedroom closet doors got their first finish coat today with the second coming tomorrow.  The office was had the final prep work done after the primer coat to catch the last few imperfections.

The bunkhouse clean up

Dining room floor install complete

Dining room floor

Dining room floor

The office......AKA: the Green Room

Rod's closet doors with one finish coat

Master bedroom now has a dresser

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10/14/2013: DAY 100

We are at Day 100.

Columbus Day weekend.  Canadian Thanksgiving. Fall clean up.  Yeah, none of those things are happening for us.  Well, we treated ourselves to dinner at Red Robins on Monday if that counts for anything.

The real focus is on getting into the house.  We took advantage of the relatively warm weather with afternoon temps bumping against 70 degrees and got some paint on the exterior door trim and more importantly got most of the porch deck boards installed.  Shauna and Norah were even able to get the timber oil on the mahogany boards so we're all sealed up.  The office got a good clean out and final prep work and is ready for wall paint.  The ceiling was primed and one coated.  The back basement stair is now finally painted.  Attic door also final painted which completes the upstairs painting with the exception of the final base board coat (yet to be installed) and touch ups.

Discovered that the verizon fiber ONT was installed by Verizon in front of the electrical panel and has to be relocated.  Verizon is scheduled to be on site 10/15/13 to take care of that.  Just in time for final electrical inspection.

Tim continues with the LR/DR wood floor and began prepping for the stair work scheduled to start Wednesday 10/16 if the floor goes well.

We've got a neighbor who is interested in the camper so we're trying to sort that out this week. We are figuring on getting that camper out of here soon.......since the weather lady mention a four letter word this morning.....SNOW!

The crew hard at work

Get that saw dust out of there

Measure twice, cut once. (Usually not at the same time).

Union required break time.

Roddie checking out the results. Norah's making a punch list.

I'm so proud of myself.

The kids made a stage in the yard with the cut offs.

The big stage.

Office ready for paint.

New front door with painted trim and sealed deck boards.